Ultimate Wedding Photography Masterclass with Brett Florens


Join award-winning Destination Wedding Photographer Brett Florens for a 12-week Ultimate Wedding Photography Masterclass. With 13 live webcasts and 3 one-on-one personalised sessions, Brett has developed this intensive Master Class to be a solid foundation for a sustainable, fulfilling career as a successful wedding photographer. Brett has gathered all the knowledge that he has gained as a full-time professional wedding photographer and world-leading photographic educator over the past 20 years and created the perfectly balanced course. This will enable you to run your photographic business in line with the best practice techniques.

13 live webcasts PLUS 3 one-on-one personalised sessions

All sessions are recorded to access indefinitely.
Private Facebook group for support and informal communication.

Online Webcasts
Date: Starting 1 June 2021 for 12 weeks
Time: *every Tuesday afternoon from 4-6pm
Cost: R 9 750,00

Book here: